Wednesday, March 23, 2005

IMBB #13: my little cupcake

this being a babyblog, well, i had to do babycakes. i couldn't decide which one to submit for the Is My Blog Burning? #13 event kindly hosted by maki. fickleminded woman am i. so i submit both. the recipes are based on Marcel Desaulniers' Death by Chocolate Cakes which sat on the shelf because the pictures and recipes intimidated me. seeking inspiration, i examined them more closely and decided that if i read them over and over and break them into steps...maybe i could make them too! and i did! many thanks to chef toni for posting her method of internalizing recipes... ;)

one in fancy dress...

cocoa-cashew babycakes with raspberry puree and cashew-chocolate bark

babychef, assistant and tester

the other one that bespeaks "spring has sprung!"...

lemon poppyseed babycakes: plain, and with chocolate frosting and pearl sugar

i've made hundreds of cupcakes in my mommy lifetime, for school birthdays and donations and bake sales, and i find that baby cakes tend to disappear own kittens eat them like POPCORN...
the recipes are here.