in between my good housekeeping moments i bring you some tidbits of Pinoy food news.

photo from the Globe
Rachel Kelso of Winthrop and formerly of Newton was featured in the Boston Globe with her riff on Filipino cuisine. her recipe forspicy ginger beef is based on the humble humba.
The Pilgrim is hosting the launch of the first Lasang Pinoy Food Blogging Event to commemorate a beloved hero, Benigno Aquino Jr., fondly called Ninoy by everyone. his tragic assassination on August 21, 1983 reverberates and resonates still throughout the archipelago. now more than ever we need to remember what he died for.
we hope to highlight the complexities of Filipino cuisine with this food event: how it is so much more than ingredients and processes, and how its preparation reflects values we adhere to, like loyalty, resilience, family, and humor.
everyone welcome! please check out the details on Karen's The Pilgrim's Pots and Pans.
"A time comes in a man's life when he must prefer a meaningful death to a meaningless life. I would rather die on my feet with honor, than live on bended knees in shame."
--Ninoy Aquino, from speech at his trial.

(from Aquino, World Leaders Past and Present)

the tasty nibble: fried wonton, by husband-ever-helpful.
just take your favorite wonton recipe (ground pork or chicken, shrimp, rehydrated black mushrooms, finely chopped water chestnuts, salt and white pepper) and deep fry. our children devour these as quickly as husband can serve them up. i like it with the following dip: Chinkiang vinegar or Chinese black vinegar, shredded ginger, light soy sauce and a drop or two each of chili oil and roasted sesame oil.