how cool is that!
so i dug out my ice cream book and, under the influence of spots, and tried this gelato.

i added the raspberries because
3 cups of strawberries (a little less than a quart), washed, hulled, patted dry
1 cup raspberries (6 ozs.), briefly rinsed, dried
2 tbsps. sugar
3 tbps. lemon juice
2/3 cup sugar
2/3 cup water
2/3 cup heavy cream
mix 2/3 cup sugar and water in a pan and bring up to a slow boil, stirring until sugar dissolves. cool to room temperature.
puree fruits with sugar in blender or food processor.
add fruit puree and lemon juice to the syrup, cover, and chill in refrigerator 2 hours.
stir in the cream, and freeze according to your ice cream maker's instructions.
prepared without a custard base, gelato is lighter, softer, and intensely flavored. the kids really loved the tangy sweetness, perfect for this hot steamy Saturday...
(based on a recipe from Sorbets and Ice Creams by Lou Seibert Pappas.)