Monday, October 25, 2004

Last of the turkey talk

"She who hesitates is lost."

The photo below(of a roast duck) was recovered from bloglimboland. I meant to offer up some tips for those facing, for the very first time, the roasting of a daunting Big Bird.

*Preheat the oven before putting the bird in.
*A pre-brined(as in Manang's roast chicken post) turkey,usually "Empire" brand kosher, tends to cook up moister; only thing is, it doesn't have the giblets usually which are good for cooking with the neck for a broth to make gravy with(chef JMom has a recipe). The giblets can be chopped up fine to add on to the gravy.
*An instant-read thermometer helps to gauge doneness; overcooking the beast renders it tough, chewy and dry (which is how most people get turned off from turkey). Generally the turkey is done when the thermometer reads 180F when the tip is inserted deep into the breast (without touching bone) and when the turkey juices run clear (jiggle the thigh bone and cut into meat to check).
*Tent the breast with foil if you notice it is browning too quickly.
*Those "lifting forks"(they look like miniature devils' pitchforks) are great for transferring the turkey from the hot roasting pan to the serving platter;
let the turkey rest and recover, about 10-15 minutes before carving. This way the juices stay within and keep the meat moist.

It's just fun to celebrate this holiday where the emphasis is on family, togetherness, and staying warm with loved ones, in front of a table covered "wall-to-wall" with FOOD.

roasting a bird