me: "EXCUSE ME son, what?"
i have evidence after's in here.
#2: "you don't make us anything good any more.
you know, anything with chocolate, chocolate chips, cookies..."
sigh. i understood, and i sympathized.
this is adapted from a Diamond walnuts recipe in an antique Gourmet magazine...I used cashews because..i love them and i have bags of them in the pantry...

preheat oven to 350F.
whisk 2 cups flour with 1/2 cup sugar and a pinch of salt. cut in 1/2 cup (1 stick) of butter until mixture resembles fine meal. press into greased-foil-lined 13X9" pan, using the elegant tart press from England ;) or your pristinely clean fingers, and bake for about 20 minutes until edges are lightly golden.
in a large microwavable bowl, melt 1/4 cup butter and 4 ozs. of bittersweet chocolate (used Trader Joe's bittersweet Belgian "Pound Plus") for 1 & 1/2 minutes or until butter is melted and chocolate is soft. remove from microwave and stir until well blended. cool completely. add 1 cup golden syrup (Lyle's, or substitute Karo light or dark), 1/2 cup sugar, 3 eggs, and 1 & 1/2 tsps. of vanilla extract.
pour this chocolate mixture into prepared crust and sprinkle with 1&1/2 cups of cashews (walnuts or almonds).
bake for about 1/2 hour or until set. let cool in the pan before cutting into bars.
*the kittens were very happy to eat these with hot cocoa on the coldest day of the far. it was too sweet for my old teeth but it was great with strong dark coffee.