Monday, July 04, 2005

will post recipes soon as possible...PC willing!!! it has some bad awful moods + i gotta snag computer time from the summer vacationing little kitties. hope everyone who celebrated had a jolly peaceful fourth of July! things come into sharp focus on this day that we celebrate. freedom, democracy, independence=responsibility and accountability...
made way too much food (Asian way right?) but it was such a lovely evening, not too hot and not too cold and i had a long portable table set out with candles...the children had a little fireplace to toast marshmallows in; #2 son calls it "firewooding"...

scallop, dill and bacon skewers, along with Pinoy bbq sticks, chicken yakitori, Mama Sita chicken wings, squid in olive oil, garlic, lemon and oregano, herbed shrimp with tarragon and basil, roast milkfish bangus stuffed with tomatoes and onions and lemon balm...oh yes i tried to put herbs from my garden in every dish.
my honored guest brought us the best California maki rolls i ever tasted in the U.S. of A...perfectly steamed and rolled rice with nori (seaweed) sheets that were tender ...i told her let's sell this stuff! she gamely tried my disastrous sushi roll rice salad (rushy mistake of putting too much wasabi, i read 1 1/4 tbsp. when it said tsp.! no wonder my eyes were getting teary as i mixed the salad!) will do it right next time, it was a wonderful dish otherwise.